Monday, December 19, 2011

3- Stray Sunday

Didn't go as planned. I hated it but I loved it. Welcome to my uninteresting life. You are not obliged to read this. You are susceptible to boredom.

  1. Barely waking up at 6 am and slipping into church clothes.
  2. Turns out, there was no mass. Mass was held at 5:30 am. A little too late, huh? I didn't like the idea of going to Mass in the afternoon, though. 
  3. My parents were trying to settle some territorial conflict. My mom was all ajsdhgljkahdslghadsh.
  4. Usual Sunday tradition: fulfilling breakfast at Bob's. It completes my Sundays. 
  5. Went home to chill out for a while. I was about to change into comfy house clothes but we had to go somewhere. Groan. 
  6. Lollipop. Haha,
  7. Went to pick up my cousins. One had a bad arm. The other, well, she looked like a sassy Asian. Everyone's growing up so fast. The sassy Asian used to be rude and boyish. Guess college changed her. On the other hand, Mr. Bad Arm is taller than me!!!!!!! I remember all the small parties we had in their room. Nerdy lame parties which I loved so much. Then, all those silly secret organizations. Aw. And who would ever forget those petty arguments? 
  8. ^I gave them code names. Idk. I'm just bored.
  9. Took my usual spot at the back of the car. Looking out the window, I saw that the sky was blue and the clouds were puffy and with those thoughts, the steady movement of the car along the highway, with the occasional swerves and bumps, lulled me to sleep.
  10. Woke up to see dried fields that used to be so green on my left and just wet brown soil that stretched out for God knows how long. The sun's rays beating down was painful. 
  11. Went to my grandma's house and hunted for food. Didn't find any. Haha. 
  12. Visited this little cutie. Camera shy awww.

13. Falling asleep. Again. On the couch. While my sassy Asian cousin fell asleep on the floor. 
14. Waking up to everyone rushing to leave and falling asleep during the drive back.
15. Going home. Didn't keep track of the time. Failed to go Mass. I know my faith is unstable and all, but my Sundays are never complete without going to Mass.
16. Gaisano for  book shopping but then my mom was all blah blah blah you don't take care of them blah blah whatever so I just went on and bought a new capo.
17. Max for dinner. Chicken. Yumyum. Asked for new earphones cause I wrecked my old ones but then my mom was all blah blah blah again. Sad life.
18. Chill out all night. 

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