Wednesday, November 2, 2011


     I've realized that I've abandoned every single blog I made. Let's see if I break the record and at least  dedicate a minute fraction of my time to this one.

    Now, if you don't mind, I shall confine myself to the four walls of my room and ponder on this book report which, may I just state, I strongly despise. Maybe because I'm having a difficult time giving depth to my descriptions of the fictional characters. I just realized that. I can't describe people. Don't flatter yourself. It's not because people are marvelously indescribable. Pffft, no. I don't really know why, though. I can describe sunsets and skies and fears and regrets. I can describe the most mundane moments and the strongest emotions... but not people. I can't even write an appreciation post about my friends.

    Oh well. I'll go on with my uninteresting life now. I don't care if it's nearing 12 am and it's All Souls Day and I'm scaring myself quite a bit.