Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Striped and Fortified

Here's how the last half-day of school and the first half-day of the summer went for me: 
  • Filipino and Math exam. I'd choose not to talk about it but............to put it into extremes, I think I kind of failed my Math exam, in my standards. 20 points. 20 freaking points for graphing. 
  • On the bright side, IT'S SUMMER. No more academic stress. Although, I still don't know what to feel. My Social Studies teacher, one of the few I actually like, is leaving. Darn it. Not to mention the fact that.........................Yes, let us not mention that fact. 
  • I will miss you and you and you and you and you and you and you and you. Especially you. Yes, you too.  I will miss the townspeople, and the unnecessary drama and the meet-ups that were, more often than not, up to no good. I will miss the fooling around,  the inside jokes, the cramming, the phone calls, and the little spats. I will miss a lot of things. I'll even miss Biology. 
  • Enough of that ^ 
  • A bit of drama, a lot of laughs and eager smiles, subtle goodbyes and a fair amount of hugs before leaving school for the summer.
  • Meet my lovely and striped FORTIfriends :) Words cannot express how grateful I am that, until now, we're still this tight and I know a meager "Thank you" cannot sum everything up.           

  • Lunch at Pizza Hut + Friday +Abstinence = No pizza for me. Aw :( Pasta, it is, then. 
  • ^Does that count as one word, though? 
  • Loads of fun and noise at Picture City. The old people were shooting daggers at us. Haha.

  • A worthwhile conversation with Chryss over dinner at Mcdo and tagging along at SM with my mother who apparently, had the itch to go shopping. 
  • Sleepover with Chryssie. Stomachache & hyperventilation induced by laughing too hard at our group photos; chasing the ever so hyper Mushu ; camwhoring ; failed attempts at a proper vlog; drifting off to sleep while watching films; word games where we subtly cheated each other; scaring ourselves at the possibility that someone or something might knock on the window or on the bathroom door; laughing till we both fell into slumber. 

They're both so cute :3 

  • We miserably failed at staying up late, despite the chocolate bars and candy we were wolfing down, that were supposed to rattle us awake. 
  • And.....here's the vlog. I look like a drunk zombie. I doubt anybody can stand watching this. Too much unnecessary laughing. 

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