- The day when the classrooms were wiped out come dismissal time and everyone was running out the school gates to catch the drum beating competition. Despite the ridiculously crowded venue, sweat and heat squeezed into one afternoon, I just felt so, so proud of our drum beaters, and especially my friends, who won 2nd runner up and were, may I just say, all-girl junkies! Beat that. Mehehe.
- Marielle's birthday dinner and lovely, lovely company. There's not much to tell. We stuffed ourselves. That is all.
- Roadtrip to get Chryssie home and snippets of conversation and falling asleep on the way back.
- I wasted the whole Saturday on absolutely nothing. Except an attempted meet-up for a school project that was utterly useless but I didn't really care because I got to see my friends and darn, I was craving for company.
- It was my grandmother's birthday so we came over for dinner and it hit me again how I am never ever going to see my grandfather ever again. They told me they still hear him in the old little house in the farm. He loved staying there.
- I fell asleep on the couch, and in the car on the way home, and on the couch once again when I got home. Sleep all day every day. Kidding. I'm a zombie.
- I had lots and lots and lots to finish but I took a nap anyway, and now, I still have lots and lots to finish, but I'm blogging in bullets anyway. I will regret staying up this late. I know I will.
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